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Nixon com ditador comunista Ceausescu da Romênia (link) |
O motivo foi o mesmo no Brasil e nos EUA, onde o crime originou em 1971, um dia após a formação do Partido Libertário dos EUA justamente para proteger a ditadura mercantilista e esmagar a liberdade humana. Duvida? Examine aqui a "explicatória" publicada pela cleptocracia saqueadora:
O Congresso criou, em 2017, o fundo eleitoral.
Como funciona o fundo eleitoral
No ano seguinte à criação do fundo, o TSE definiu as regras de distribuição de "seus" recursos entre os partidos. São elas:
I – 2% do valor é dividido entre todos os partidos com registro no TSE
II – 35% é dividido entre os partidos que tenham ao menos um representante na Câmara dos Deputados
III – 48% é distribuído entre os partidos na proporção de suas bancadas na Câmara
IV – 15% é dividido entre os partidos na proporção de suas bancadas no Senado
II – 35% é dividido entre os partidos que tenham ao menos um representante na Câmara dos Deputados
III – 48% é distribuído entre os partidos na proporção de suas bancadas na Câmara
IV – 15% é dividido entre os partidos na proporção de suas bancadas no Senado
Para as eleições de 2018, o fundo eleitoral contou com 1,7 bilhão de reais. Mesmo que pareça bastante dinheiro, é pouco comparado com o gasto oficial total nas eleições de 2014: quase 5 bilhões de reais.
Agora compare com a versão original aprovada pela cleptocracia comuno-fascista dos EUA 46 anos antes. Nem precisa traduzir. É a mesma lei que Nixon assinou para subsidiar os partidos comunistas, fascistas, nacional socialistas--enfim, saqueadores--mediante a compra pelo governo da propaganda de lavagem cerebral para afastar eleitores dos partidos menores, menos esclerosados, mais libertários... e quase funcionou!
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Só que os eleitores Americanos descobriram o voto libertário! |
The Internal Revenue Code of 1954 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subtitle:
“Subtitle H – Financing of Presidential Election Campaigns (…)
“For purposes of this chapter –
“(1) The term ‘authorized committee’ means, with respect to the candidates of a political party for President and Vice President of the United States, any political committee which is authorized in writing by such candidates to incur expenses to further the election of such candidates. Such authorization shall be addressed to the chairman of such political committee, and a copy of such authorization shall be filed by such candidates with the Comptroller General. Any withdrawal of any authorization shall also be in writing and shall be addressed and filed in the same manner as the authorization.
“(2) The term ‘candidate’ means, with respect to any presidential election, an individual who (A) has been nominated for election to the office of President of the United States or the office of Vice President of the United States by a major party, or (B) has qualified to have his name on the election ballot (or to have the names of electors pledged to him on the election ballot) as the candidate of a political party for election to either such office in 10 or more States. For purposes of paragraphs (6) and (7) of this section and purposes of section 9004 (a) (2), the term ‘candidate’ means, with respect to any preceding presidential election, an individual who received popular votes for the office of president in such election.
“(3) The term ‘Comptroller General’ means the Comptroller General of the United States.
“(4) The term ‘eligible candidates’ means the candidates of a political party for President and Vice President of the United States who have met all applicable conditions for eligibility to receive payments under this chapter set forth in section 9003.
“(5) The term ‘fund’ means the Presidential Election Campaign Fund established by section 9006 (a).
“(6) The term ‘major party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party whose candidate for the office of president in the preceding presidential election received, as the candidate of such party, 25% or more of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office.
“(7) The term ‘minor party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party whose candidate for the office of President in the preceding presidential election received, as the candidate of such party, 25% or more of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office.
“(7) The term ‘minor party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party whose candidate for the office of president in the preceding presidential election received, as the candidate of such party, 5% or more but less than 25% of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office.
“(8) The term ‘new party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party which is neither a major party nor a minor party.
“Subtitle H – Financing of Presidential Election Campaigns (…)
“For purposes of this chapter –
“(1) The term ‘authorized committee’ means, with respect to the candidates of a political party for President and Vice President of the United States, any political committee which is authorized in writing by such candidates to incur expenses to further the election of such candidates. Such authorization shall be addressed to the chairman of such political committee, and a copy of such authorization shall be filed by such candidates with the Comptroller General. Any withdrawal of any authorization shall also be in writing and shall be addressed and filed in the same manner as the authorization.
“(2) The term ‘candidate’ means, with respect to any presidential election, an individual who (A) has been nominated for election to the office of President of the United States or the office of Vice President of the United States by a major party, or (B) has qualified to have his name on the election ballot (or to have the names of electors pledged to him on the election ballot) as the candidate of a political party for election to either such office in 10 or more States. For purposes of paragraphs (6) and (7) of this section and purposes of section 9004 (a) (2), the term ‘candidate’ means, with respect to any preceding presidential election, an individual who received popular votes for the office of president in such election.
“(3) The term ‘Comptroller General’ means the Comptroller General of the United States.
“(4) The term ‘eligible candidates’ means the candidates of a political party for President and Vice President of the United States who have met all applicable conditions for eligibility to receive payments under this chapter set forth in section 9003.
“(5) The term ‘fund’ means the Presidential Election Campaign Fund established by section 9006 (a).
“(6) The term ‘major party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party whose candidate for the office of president in the preceding presidential election received, as the candidate of such party, 25% or more of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office.
“(7) The term ‘minor party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party whose candidate for the office of President in the preceding presidential election received, as the candidate of such party, 25% or more of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office.
“(7) The term ‘minor party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party whose candidate for the office of president in the preceding presidential election received, as the candidate of such party, 5% or more but less than 25% of the total number of popular votes received by all candidates for such office.
“(8) The term ‘new party’ means, with respect to any presidential election, a political party which is neither a major party nor a minor party.
Viu? copiando pro Google translate apenas confirma que a atual coação brasileira é copiada da lei do Nixon. (link)
Tão logo o romance "Atlas Shrugged" apareceu em tradução competente (A Revolta de Atlas), convocou-se constituinte cleptocrata para impedir a formação de partido libertário. (link)
Saiba mais sobre como a exploração de crendice e superstição para transformar o estado político em aparato saqueador provoca súbita contração monetária e desastrosas crises de liquidez.

Para entender melhor o impacto da lei seca na curta Constituição dos EUA, procure no Amazon A Lei Seca e O Crash em formato Kindle (aplicativo gratuito que roda em celular). O livro explica como o colapso da economia resultou da repressão e dos confiscos do IR em apoio à Lei Seca constitucional.