quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2016

Livro novo, que não li

A book I have not read... is out. Here's the info courtesy of Thelma:

Vai ter o lançamento no sábado, às 11 horas, numa livraria bicho grilo no centro.

Thelma L Sabim
Curitiba (41) 3276-5659 USA (512) 837-5708
ATA & ABRATES Certified Translator
Juramentada JUCEPAR 12/219-T

Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality. Ayn Rand

segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2016

A pixador is one of those juvenile delinquents who mess up other people's paint jobs with illegible scrawl. Grafitti artist is the wrong translation, for it suggests talent or ability. Thanks to the gruff, loveable and cantankerous Everett True, here is another translation just as bad, but more entertaining.

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2016

The Republicans claim that if you vote for a balanced candidate, that would help the Dems win again like they did in 2008 and 2012 (after the Bush asset-forfeiture crash). The Dems say voting for someone who is not an insane looter would only help a Republican win.

A website was formed to cancel out votes, much the way in Brazil people not interested in 33 communist, fascist and prohibitionist parties vote NULO and EM BRANCO. Search and you will find thousands of government pages explaining that those are NOT the same thing. NULO means "none of the above," whereas EM BRANCO means "none of the above," see?

The US system is simpler. Here's a video that explains it:

This is much like the Fimose and Espinha (Charges.com.br) agreement to each cancel the other's vote in Brazilian elections. This cartoon may have been the original idea behind Balancedrebellion.com

The difference is that the BalancedRebellion vote drains off part of the spoiler vote effect. I personally approach with unruffled equanimity the prospect of Republicans committing cyanide Kool-aid suicide because Hillary won after they voted Libertarian. Paddypower.com bookies are betting 6 to 1 the pro-choice party wins and 5 to 1 the life-begins-at-erection party loses. Paddypower is run by Irish bookies using actuarial math to make money on outcomes. Unlike rigged polls putting the adversaries neck-and-neck, they care as little about who wins across the ocean as the Republicans have chances of winning.

The good news about the odds is that feminists who believe in choice but do not believe in looter kleptocracy can vote Libertarian with no fear that God's Own Prohibitionists are therefore going to put a girl-bullying madman into the highest office. This third-party choice multiplies the power of your vote by anywhere from 600% to 3600%, and the LP.org platform is not anti-choice.

We went through this before in 1932. See how the Crash and Depression weighed into that election with the entire economy at stake (kind of like 2008). Live on Amazon Kindle for the price of a pint.

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2016

Rindo para não chorar

O mais bem-desenhado entre as charges que conheço é o sinfest.net. 
Nesta época, o cartunista, Tatsuya, mexe com os partidos entrincheirados...

Desde 2007 EUA viraram, bem... veja você.

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2016

Distance Voting

Another deadline looms. Now is a good time to find out about voting in the November elections. My candidate was nominated much later than the entrenched party candidates, and I was surprised at how little time we have left.

Here's a link:

The mailing part is kind of a joke. Nobody mails anything in Brazil. The last thing mailed to this address was from the US, and it was delivered to a neighbor a block away. But there is a way to Sedex stuff to a local voter, kind of like proxy voting in a corporation.

Right now we are looking for someone in São Paulo or Porto Alegre willing to drop off ballots at the American Consulates. The Consulate in SP is kind of like a wartime bunker. To approach you have to use their website and fill out forms days in advance. The website only works intermittently, and the place is best approached with your hands raised and empty.
